Get Job Information


A job represents an accepted work order. It contains values for line items, media file, dates, and etc.


The following list shows attributes for a job and brief description for each:

guid string
Globally unique identifier(guid) of a job. Guid can be used to retrieve a job.

id string
Id of a job. Id can be used to retrieve a job.

status string
Status of a job. Status can be on of the following: incomplete, pending, progress, complete, error.

lineItems array of objects
List of line items associated to a job.

Child Attributes

guid string
Guid of a job line item.

quantity number
Quantity of a job line item.

dangerouslyProvidedAttributes array of objects
Unstructured flexible manufacturing requirement documents. Values under this field can be changed without notice and are not reliable attribute for an automation.

Child Attributes

label string
Label of the dangerously provided attribute.

value string or array of strings
Value of the dangerously provided attribute.

attributes object
Structured flexible manufacturing requirement documents. Values under this field remain unchanged once set.

files object
Media files associated to a job line item.

Child Attributes

partFile array of objects
Job line item part files data including href url, file type, original name, and preferred names.

href string
Url of file.

type string
Type of the file.

name string
Name of the uploaded file.

constructedName string
Preferred name of the file.

printingStl array of objects
Url for job line item part printing STL files.

thumbnail array of objects
Url for job line item part thumbnail files.

traveler array of objects
Url for job line item traveler reports.

streamcacheConversion array of objects
Url for job line item part stream cache files. // TO CHECK

progressPhotos array of objects
Url for job line item progress photos.

redactedDrawings array of objects
Url for job line item redacted drawings.

requiredInspectionReports array of objects
Url for job line item required inspection reports.

submittedInspectionReports array of objects
Url for job line item submitted inspection reports.

requiredCertificationReports array of objects
Url for job line item required certification reports.

dates object
Dates relevant to a job. All dates are formatted in ISO 8601 standard.

Child Attributes

shipBy date
Date a job needs to be shipped by.

due date
Date a job is due.

submitted date
Date a job is created or submitted.

completed date
Date a job is completed.

files object
Media fields associated to a job.

Child Attributes

inventoryList string
Url for a job inventory report.

What’s Next

Now that we have the structured data related to a job, let's review how to retrieve files for the job and its line items